The Elusive One

Elusive One

The challenge stared at me in the face.

I scowled right back, inwardly intimidated, outwardly in my usual combative mode. I also cursed the person who flung that challenge at me. I am not the one to back down from a challenge. Rrrrrowwwl!

Nah I am not!

But then I am rather proud of my bad habits, I wear them like badges of honour, medals that I have won in my wars, rather like a boxer wears his scars and a soldier his medals.

But the High Priestess of Indiblogeshwaris, Vinita Bahl aka BlogwatiG had spoken.

Turn it or twist it the way you look at it. Take on a challenge. Adopt a good habit. Get rid of a bad one. Change something. Write one new chapter. Read a new book. Listen to a new song. Anything, almost anything singular that you’ve been putting off for too long. You have a month to do it. And then post about it on June 2, 2013 only.

I am bad with rules, ever badder with deadlines – so this is a day late.

First the task was to identify something I want to change …

Now came the big question, what was the elusive one I had to change

My older son spoke : Get rid of your “Main Bechari attitude.”

Of course he spoke it in a completely different context. Of course he did not mean me. Me? If this were ten years ago, I’d have boxed his ears for impertinence. But then I have only myself to blame, I put him into martial arts. And he is bigger, more agile, and kick boxes to pass time.

And the “Main bechari brigade”? I laugh at them, scoff at them, snap my fingers at their nose.

Am I not the person who says “Get rid of the concept that the world owes you. It owes you nothing, it was here first.” Eh?

“It’s crept into your way of thinking,” the second born said sagely nodding his head.

Ouch! That hurt!

So I started watching what I said, how I thought.

And sure enough, the elusive one surfaced when I saw paani pooris. I squashed it like a bug!

Me and my body have made a deal, I shall eat right, and it shall loose the flab and keep the sugar level down.

Wow! Look at my saintly halo!

Only to have it surface when that *&^%% flaunted her absolutely obscene diamond solitaire in my face. I stared at it and resolved never to even acknowledge her existence again, EVER! No ma’am, I will not. You are bad for my mental peace.

Besides I do not like diamonds.


It resurfaced again when I saw Deepika Padukone’s absolutely flat stomach, enlarged to a godawful number of pixels on the big screen! She never gave birth, did she? No wonder she has this absolutely unnaturally flat stomach, don’t you think?

If only … sigh!

Backtracked again. I am not giving in to self pity.

And then I read a chapter from Daphne Du Maurier’s Frenchman’s Creek. Taut, well written and absolutely engrossing.

This writer lived long before I was born!

She still lives – through time! She is immortal.

And I love her!

Will I ever be remembered like that?

Sob sob!

Main Bechari

19 thoughts on “The Elusive One

  1. Ha ha ha ha Ritu. This post could only have come from you 😛 Tum bechari, kaam ke boj se maari………….And so, we gonna see a new and improved Ritu Lailt soon? Flat abs et al?

    • That Padukone has an abnormally flat stomach. I suspect plastic surgery has a role to play. And no, its NOT sour grapes

  2. Main bhi bechari… come on, Ritu ji!! Of all the people.. you? Naaaaaah never!! But we love to do that once in a while, don’t we?

  3. oh lol that was a fun read. I think at some point or other we’ve all joined the main bechari brigade; On a serious note, Daphne du Maurier is one of my favourite authors … time to read her books again.

    • I love the way she creates atmosphere with her words. I keep going back to her books time and again. She for her strong atmosphere and Terry Pratchett for well, his way of looking at life

  4. LOL, nice posT! I remember reading this book long ago, the story was mesmerizing. I love Daphne DuMaurier books. Have just been told to get out of my ‘main bechari’ funks by the husband, that’s not easy.

  5. Pingback: The First Step

    • So was I! Even in Badtameez Dil, Ranbir was drenching her with champagne and I was fixated on her waist line!

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